Corporate Wine Blending Challenge Terms & Conditions

Booking Policy

All event bookings with Sanguine are required to adhere to the following deposit schedule in order to confirm your event

Initial Deposit 

Deposit One – due upon booking (25% of the estimated total charges for all events)

Deposit Two – due 1 month prior (50% of the estimated total charges for all events)

Balance 1 week prior to the event

Cancellations, postponements, or reduction in numbers

If an event is cancelled within 4 weeks of the event date, Sanguine has the right to apply all deposits paid as a cancellation

fee. These fees can be used to compensate any third party suppliers where required.

If the booking is postponed and the same event is to be held within six months of the original booking, all the security

deposits paid may be transferred. An event may be postponed on one occasion only. Should suitable dates not be

available for the postponed event all security deposit monies will be applied as a cancellation fee.

A minimum of one month’s notice prior to the original event date is required for all postponements and the new date

is to be provided at this time.

The booking is for a min/max 18 people so a reduction in people does not result in a reduction in the price.


Methods of Payment

Companies and individuals must settle their account one week prior to their event by credit card or EFT. Credit terms are

not available for this event. Any deviation from this must be by prior arrangement with Sanguine Management.

Special Dietary requirements

Sanguine will ensure any special needs are catered for, please provide 48 hours notice.


Additional Policies

Where the event involves a third party supplier ie: Venue or Caterer additional policies will be provided as required.


Payment of deposit accepts these Terms and Conditions.